It is widely accepted that alcoholism is a'disease'. We don't throw and ruin their lives, we treat them. Of course they have paid their tax on the gin that gave them the disease, so it's legal.

Ultimately, if this info has you perplexed, there are lots of resources from my crew that internet DVD's, and conduct forums from time to time, the library.
Ask your friends and family members. How many pills a day do you take? What does that cost? How much would it cost to grow a plant in your garden? How much profit would the pharmaceuticals and insurance companies make if you grow that plant in your garden? Would their profits turn to losses?
So it would seem politics motivated the issue more than health or science and it's been prohibited since. Needless to say, those who can benefit from those physicians whose states have made recreational marijuana legal, and it's use for link medical purposes face aggressive charges should they need to find relief from their private ailments.
His campaign to illegalize marijuana, encouraged the development of a more expensive automobile fuel. medical marijuana advocates assert that it has driven health care costs through the roof.
I have a friend who was fading away from lung cancer. He was ready to give up, tired of living weak and defeated. He had heard about marijuana helping with chemo, but didn't know there was a way around smoking it. His wife learned how to make marijuana cookies and everything turned around. He experienced the appetite increase, ate better than he had in months, and got stronger everyday. And he felt a lot better. These positive changes encouraged him to keep fighting; suddenly the battle didn't seem quite over. Last time I saw him, he looked more like a triathlete than a cancer patient.
Regardless of the fact it is going into its third season, American Dad still does not feel like it's found its tone. It seems shaky, and that's the worst thing a comic can do - allow you to see his insecurity.